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Michele’s Classic Fudge Recipe

Classic Fudge Recipe by Dish Ditty Recieps

I’ve been searching for a really good fudge recipe, and continuously fail. This Classic Fudge recipe was a clear winner and comes from my friend Michele who really does make the best fudge around.

This is Michele’s Recipe:

Desserts: Candy
Classic Fudge

Classic Fudge

Step 1

Line an 8-inch square pan with aluminum foil, leaving an overhang to allow the fudge to be easily pulled up out of the pan. Press the foil into the corners and set aside.

Step 2

In a heavy 3-quart saucepan, add the evaporated milk, marshmallow creme, butter, sugar and salt. Heat on medium-low, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula until the mixture comes to a boil. Occasionally scrape the bottom of the pan with a rubber spatula to make sure the mixture is not burning.

Step 3

As soon as the mixture comes to a full boil, immediately start timing for 5 minutes, continuing to stir constantly. After the five minutes are up, the mixture will have caramelized slightly giving it a pale golden color. It isn't necessary to test the mixture with a thermometer, timing it works great. When it reaches this stage, the temperature will be between 226-228 degrees Fahrenheit.

Step 4

Remove the saucepan from the heat and add the chocolate. Using a wire whisk, whisk the mixture until all the chocolate is melted and smooth. Stir in the vanilla.

Step 5

Quickly pour into the line pan, smothing to top. Let the fudge cool on the counter top first. Then chill in the refrigerator until firm.

Step 6

Remove the fudge and foil from the pan by lifting the corners of the foil. With a long sharp knife, cut the fudge into pieces. Wrap tightly to store. Freeze for longer storage.

And then the recipe in my mom’s cookbook:

As you can see, my mom’s recipe left a lot to chance. What size of ‘packages’ does she mean?

Desserts: Candy

Fluff Fudge

Step 1

Combine the first five ingredients and boil for 5 minutes over moderate heat while

Step 2

Remove from heat and stir in the chocolate chips, vanilla and nuts until the
chocolate chips are melted.

Step 3

Pour into a greased pan and chill. Cut into squares.

I can cook a lot of things really, really well. I can bake and create and be successfully creative in the kitchen. But for some reason, Fudge eludes me. I do not know why. I have my mom’s recipe (which is listed below as “Fluff Fudge”) and it is similar. However, I think my problem was that I always ‘boiled’ the fudge at a fairly high temperature.

When watching Michele make this silky, creamy, smooth fudge, It was clear that the temperature she used was just barely a medium heat. I’m sure now that I was really burning the fudge and not really caramelizing the cream base.

The other recipe that is popular is the Never Fail Fudge Recipe as seen on This one is similar to the recipe Michele has, but slightly different ratios. Then there’s the Never Fail Fudge Recipe from Again, similar but not the same ratios. I think I’ve tried the first recipe before without success, trying to figure out how it really is never fail!

Michele got this from a local newspaper about 25-30 years ago and has been making it ever since. Here’s the original article (Unfortunately the name of the newspaper, date, etc. was not on her copy so we cannot give proper credit — I’m assuming it’s SJ Mercury News).

Newspaper Article with Fudge Recipe
Newspaper Article with Fudge Recipe

Well, now I have an amazing fudge recipe. Let’s hope when I try it that I make it right and don’t mess up.

Thanks Michele!

Classic Fudge Recipe by Dish Ditty Recieps
Classic Fudge

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